Friday, March 21, 2014

Moan for Bigfoot by Virginia Wade

Paranormal / Dubious Consent

Amazon Book Description: 
Book 1 of The Monster Sex Series

If you go into the woods today...On a week long outing in Mt. Hood National Forest, what begins as a flirty, fun-filled trip soon turns into a nightmare, when an ape-like creature kidnaps a group of young women with the purpose of procreating with them.

My Review:
I thought it was fitting for my inaugural review on this blog to be about this book for this is the book that got me interested in reading erotica.

Wade does an excellent job of "easing" her readers into her story by starting off with toned-down raunchy. However, one does not have to read far before things start to get really intense with Bigfoot sex scenes. It seems as though Wade does her best to write the most twisted scenarios possible, shamelessly (as she says) challenging social barriers in order to arouse her readers. Wade uses a bold writing style, and does not mince anything. But not only that, Wade has created a well thought out story woven into this erotica. She has come up with some of her own Bigfoot folklore to serve the purpose of her story, has thoughtfully developed her characters, and sends these characters on a true adventure. I am genuinely impressed with the planning that must have gone into creating this series.

What makes this story especially unique is that, as described, it is a "monster sex series." Yes, this is Bigfoot having sex with 18 year old girls. This scenario gives Wade the freedom to really let her imagination run free with unique possibilities. As such, readers are in for an enticing ride.

Some may say that this story "glorifies rape." While I can see why some may say this, I think it is important to keep in mind that this is erotica and is intended for a sole purpose: to act as an arousal. This type of story is not intended to be analyzed for anything beyond what it is. So what can I say? Get your panties out of a twist (literally and figuratively) and allow yourself to enjoy some of the best erotica out there.

Available On Amazon Here
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